Bonita, Spanish, Red Drum and Kings

Event Start Date: 2022/08/252022/08/25
Our water is still very warm but clean. Large schools of tiny Hardtails and Alewives have been around the pier all week. The crowds have diminished as most school systems have begun class. Bonita, Spanish Mackerel, Red Drum and King Mackerel were caught during the week. Several days, large Hardtails were decked.
Bonita was the most popular species decked this week. A few days only a couple were caught but numerous fish hit the gaff other days. Small live bait freelined on a fluorocarbon leader was the ticket. As usual many fish were lost to the pilings or just broke the line. The vast majority caught were about 10 pounds with one at 11.5 pounds. Regular anglers as well as visiting anglers had fun. Penny, from Washington state, caught her first ever Bonita and Allen from Tennessee decked his first.

Spanish Mackerel were on fire Friday with many anglers getting their limits. Most of the week had good catches. Bubble rigs with a straw, small spoon or jig got the most bites. Anthony B. got his limit Friday and George caught a lot too. Don got in on the action as well.

King Mackerel were slow again. It started Friday with a single fish that I caught late afternoon. At least it was a good size fish that tipped the scale at 25.75 pounds. The week drug on with only a couple of small fish until today (Wednesday). We decked 4 Kings and lost several more. All were “schoolie” fish but at least they were here and biting.

Red Drum have held in skinny water all week. The best chance to get bit was using a small live Alewife fished on a Carolina rig. Most of the Reds were over-slot but Gary B. did hit barely inside the slot on one of the many he caught.
Tides Link g
New Moon Saturday Aug. 27, 2022 Full Moon Saturday Sept. 10, 2022
Tides for the upcoming week:
Sunrise: 6:15am Sunset: 7:12pm
Thursday 25th. 7:38pm Low 0.3 9:32am High 1.8
Friday 7:54pm Low 0.4 10:18am High 1.8
Saturday 7:49pm Low 0.5 11:05am High 1.7
Sunday 7:49pm Low 0.7 11:55am High 1.6
Monday 4:44am Low 0.9 2:03am High 1.0
7:41pm Low 0.8 12:52pm High 1.4
Tuesday 6:27am Low 0.9 1:50am High 1.1
6:54pm Low 1.1 2:01pm High 1.2
Wednesday 31st. 8:41am Low 0.8 1:19am High 1.3
6:05pm Low 1.0 3:41pm High 1.0
Sunrise: 6:19am Sunset: 7:05pm CDST
Water temperature: 87
MM | DD | TIME (EDT) | WDIR | WSPD kts | GST kts | WVHT ft | DPD sec | APD sec | MWD | PRES in | PTDY in | ATMP °F | WTMP °F | DEWP °F | SAL psu | VIS nmi | TIDE ft |
08 | 24 | 6:18 am | ENE | 5.1 | 6.0 | - | - | - | - | 29.97 | - | 78.4 | 86.7 | - | - | - | - |
08 | 24 | 6:12 am | ENE | 5.1 | 7.0 | - | - | - | - | 29.97 | - | 78.6 | 86.7 | - | - | - | - |
08 | 24 | 6:06 am | ENE | 5.1 | 7.0 | - | - | - | - | 29.97 | - | 78.4 | 86.7 | - | - | - | - |
08 | 24 | 6:00 am | ENE | 5.1 | 7.0 | - | - | - | - | 29.97 | +0.00 | 78.4 | 86.7 | - | - | - | - |
08 | 24 | 5:54 am | ENE | 5.1 | 6.0 | - | - | - | - | 29.97 | - | 78.3 | 86.7 |
The Marine forecast for the next several days is:
Southeast winds 5 to 10 knots, becoming northeast in
the afternoon. Waves 1 foot or less. Protected waters a light
chop. Showers and thunderstorms likely.
Northeast winds 5 to 10 knots, becoming east
after midnight. Waves 1 foot or less. Protected waters a light
chop. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.
East winds around 5 knots, becoming south in the
afternoon. Waves 1 foot or less. Protected waters smooth. Showers
and thunderstorms likely.
Northeast winds around 5 knots. Waves 1 foot or
less. Protected waters smooth. A chance of showers and
East winds around 5 knots. Waves 1 foot or less.
Protected waters smooth. Showers and thunderstorms likely.
East winds 5 to 10 knots. Waves 1 foot or less.
Protected waters a light chop. A chance of showers and
Southeast winds 5 to 10 knots. Waves 1 foot or less.
Protected waters a light chop. Showers and thunderstorms likely.
East winds 5 to 10 knots. Waves 1 foot or less.
Protected waters a light chop. A slight chance of showers and
thunderstorms in the evening, then a chance of showers and
thunderstorms after midnight.
(local forecast).
THURSDAY (84/76 rain 64% wind ESE-07)
FRIDAY (86/75 rain 60% wind SSE-06)
SATURDAY (86/75 rain 51% wind SSE-05)
SUNDAY (86/75 rain 40% wind SE-07)
MONDAY (88/75 rain 58% wind ESE-06)
TUESDAY (87/75 rain 58% wind ESE-06)
WEDNESDAY(87/76 rain 52% wind SE-07)
Bay County Parks and Recreation – 5304 Majetti Tower Road Panama City, FL 32404
Travis Barbee – Bay Co. Parks Division Manager – – 850-381-8155
Vince Martin – Bay Co. Beach Operations Manager - - 850-896-6580
Tight lines and screaming drags,